Wedding Declaration Of Intent Examples – Inspiring Vows

The Bridal Tip

When it comes to planning a wedding ceremony, there are numerous elements to consider, from choosing the perfect venue to selecting the ideal wedding vows. One essential aspect that should not be overlooked is the wedding declaration of intent. This simple yet powerful statement sets the tone for the entire ceremony, as it expresses the couple’s commitment and intention to enter into marriage. In this article, we will explore the importance of including a declaration of intent in wedding ceremonies and provide some inspiring examples to help you craft your own unique and heartfelt vows.

What is a Wedding Declaration of Intent?

Before delving into the various examples, it’s essential to understand what a wedding declaration of intent entails. Simply put, it is a verbal or written statement made by the couple to affirm their desire and commitment to marry each other. This declaration typically follows the officiant’s question, “Do you take [partner’s name] to be your lawfully wedded spouse?” It is the moment where the couple publicly declares their intent to marry.

Importance of Including a Declaration of Intent in Wedding Ceremonies

The inclusion of a declaration of intent holds significant meaning in wedding ceremonies. Not only does it add a sense of formality, but it also serves as a beautiful expression of the couple’s commitment and love for one another. By publicly declaring their intent, the couple reassures their friends, family, and themselves that they are entering into marriage willingly and wholeheartedly. Additionally, including a declaration of intent helps create a sense of unity and purpose, setting the stage for a heartfelt and memorable ceremony.

Benefits of Using Examples in Wedding Declarations of Intent

Using examples in your wedding declaration of intent can be incredibly beneficial, especially if you find it challenging to put your emotions into words. Examples serve as a source of inspiration, helping you find the right tone and style that resonates with you as a couple. They can give you ideas on how to personalize your own declaration to reflect your unique love story, values, and aspirations. By utilizing examples, you can ensure that your declaration is authentic, meaningful, and in line with your vision for the ceremony.

Examples of Wedding Declarations of Intent

To provide you with some inspiration, here are a few examples of wedding declarations of intent:

Example 1: Traditional and Formal Declaration

“I, [Bride’s/Groom’s name], take you, [Partner’s name], to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife. I promise to love and cherish you, to honor and respect you, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, as long as we both shall live.”

Example 2: Personalized and Romantic Declaration

“Today, surrounded by our loved ones, I choose you, [Partner’s name], to be my partner in life. With every beat of my heart, I promise to support and encourage you, to dream with you and grow with you, and to love you unconditionally, now and forever.”

Example 3: Blended Family Declaration

“As we join our lives today, I not only accept you, [Partner’s name], but also your beautiful children. I promise to be a loving and nurturing presence in their lives, to create a family filled with love, respect, and unity. Together, we will embark on this journey of love, blending our hearts and our souls.”

Example 4: LGBTQ+ Inclusive Declaration

“In the presence of our community and in the spirit of equality and love, I declare my commitment to you, [Partner’s name]. No matter who we are or who we love, today we celebrate our unique bond and promise to support and affirm each other’s authentic selves every step of the way.”

How to Customize a Wedding Declaration of Intent

While the examples showcased above can serve as a starting point, it is crucial to customize your wedding declaration of intent to reflect your personal values and beliefs. Here are a couple of key steps to help you in this process:

1. Understanding the Couple’s Values and Beliefs

Take some time to reflect on your shared values, beliefs, and aspirations as a couple. Consider what marriage means to you and how you envision your life together. This understanding will lay the foundation for a meaningful declaration of intent.

2. Incorporating Personalized Vows and Promises

Think about the promises and commitments you want to make to each other. Consider the qualities and attributes that you admire in your partner and express your love and dedication through personalized vows and promises. This will make your declaration truly unique and heartfelt.

Tips for Writing an Authentic Wedding Declaration of Intent

As you embark on the journey of writing your wedding declaration of intent, keep the following tips in mind:

Remember, your wedding declaration of intent is an opportunity to express your love and commitment to your partner. Make it a reflection of your unique relationship and a testament to the love you share. By crafting a heartfelt declaration, you will set the tone for a memorable and joyous wedding ceremony that celebrates your journey of love.


As you plan your wedding ceremony, don’t underestimate the significance of the wedding declaration of intent. It is a powerful moment where you publicly affirm your commitment to your partner and declare your intentions to enter into marriage. By utilizing examples and customizing your declaration to reflect your values and beliefs, you can create a personalized and memorable expression of love that sets the stage for a beautiful and meaningful ceremony.