Program evaluation & performance measurement : an introduction to practice

"Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement: An Introduction to Practice offers a conceptual, as well as practical, introduction to program evaluation and performance measurement for public and non-profit organizations. This introductory text discusses topics in a detailed fashion, making it a useful guide for practitioners who are constructing and implementing performance measurement systems, as well as for students. Throughout the text, program evaluation and performance measurement are portrayed as complementary ways of supporting evidence-based management and decision-making. Authors James C. McDavid and Laura R. L. Hawthorn guide readers through conducting quantitative and qualitative program evaluations and needs assessments, as well as constructing and implementing performance measurement systems." "Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement is designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in program evaluation, performance measurement, and performance management. The book does not assume a thorough understanding of research methods and design, making it an ideal text for students in Public Administration and Management. Social Work, the health professions, and other disciplines in which research methods are not always a central focus. It is also an excellent resource for practicing public and non-profit managers who are not research specialists."--BOOK JACKET

Includes bibliographical references and index

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